Praetorian's Pylon Cult Gets Glowing Reviews
January 30, 2025
By the time you read this, Praetorian's Pylon Cult will be out in the world. You can pick up a physical copy here on the APF website, in our store, and stream the album in full on Bandcamp and YouTube (the album will be on Spotify, Apple Music and all other streaming sites next week).
The critics are loving it:
"Take sludge, doom, black, death, hardcore, thrash, and speed, blend it together until you get a brownish, sticky paste that smells as bad as it looks."
~ 9/10 GBHBL
"Nothing is wasted here; the only fat is in the sound of the guitars, everything else has been pared to the bone, and it shows."
~ 4/5 Metal Epidemic
"Praetorian bring the dirtiest riffs from the sludge scene and pair them with black metal starkness... Raging, screaming, growling and grunting their often sarcastic, satirical words and gargantuan chunks of riffage."
~ 9/10 Musipedia Of Metal
"From blistering slabs of disgusting sludge to the ethereal haunting atmospheres of black metal, Pylon Cult strides from the forest, swinging its maul and sweeping enemies aside left and right."
~ Noizze
"Pylon Cult is grim, grievous, massive and mauling, full of twists and turns."
~ No Clean Singing
"There is no compromise in the brutality of the sound. This music nails the words emphatically with bloody hammers."
~ Doomed & Stoned
"It's break-neck, it's atmospheric, and it's crushing."
~ Machine Music
"A thick, heavy, dredge of fog and falling black rain."
~ 8/10 Metal Temple
"Pylon Cult is a grotty, no-fucks-given sludge record, but there's a lot of depth here beneath the molasses thick churn."
~ The Quietus
"This is a band with immense creativity, taking sludge into blackened sonics with full-fledged screamo vocals in a kind of harmony with the guttural growls."
~ Veil Of Sound
"With a vocal delivery that can chew through stone and spit gravel at your feet, it lashes out with a viciousness unmatched by many."
~ Monuments In Ruin
"Feels like a brain being melted by some sort of alien satellite laser weapon."
~ The Angels' Share